People put a lot of trust in medical professionals. Doctors are one of the most revered professionals. We also have a lot of respect for nurses and other healthcare workers. After all, their life work is all about caring for us and ensuring we remain healthy.
It’s why a medical error feels like such a breach of trust. The consequences can also be quite severe as the patient can suffer physical or mental harm. This harm also resonates with their loved ones. But prescription errors do happen. Some might say it’s even inevitable. Our health workers are human after all. They also get tired and stressed. The mistake could also be due to a flaw in operations. It can also become caused by negligence on the part of the doctor or nurse.
It’s important you contact a medication malpractice lawyer when there’s wrong medication administered. Regardless of why and how the mistake happened, it did occur and it had a negative impact on you. A good lawyer will help you receive justice. They’ll also ensure you get the compensation due to you. They’ll also hold the other party accountable.
Medication malpractice lawsuits are challenging though. These cases are technical and tedious. It also takes years for the lawsuit to become resolved. It’s why these cases are often settled out of court. Your lawyer might encourage you to opt for a wrong medication lawsuit settlement.
Your first reaction might be to oppose it and demand to go to court. But you should take the time to consider your lawyer’s stand. There’s a reason why a settlement might be preferable.
Settlements for Wrong Prescription are Faster
A typical trial can take at least six months to a year to reach a resolution. It might even take longer in some cases. There’s also the appeals process to consider. Even if the court ruled in your favor, the other party’s insurance company will file an appeal. This will add more months to the process.
Medication error attorneys know this. It’s why they will open the floor to a settlement. The situation will become resolved fast. There won’t be any appeals or the stress of testifying. You can even receive a check within a few weeks.
Better Control of the Entire Process
You have more control over a settlement process than you’ll ever have in court. Your pharmacy lawyer will follow your lead and will help in the negotiations. If you don’t like the other party’s offer, you can decline it and make your demands. The discussions will continue until you’re satisfied with the agreement.
You won’t have this kind of control or power if the case goes to trial. The judge will make decisions that you might not agree with. You won’t have any say in that. For example, the judge could exclude certain evidence. Testimonies from witnesses could also be weak or unreliable. These could harm your case.
Privacy is Always Guaranteed
Court trials are public. Anyone can look up the details of your trial. They’ll have access to the extent of your injuries. Everything you and the other party said becomes public record. A settlement ensures your privacy. No one will know the terms of the settlement or the details of the lawsuit. You have a say on what information is private and what’s shared with the public.
Helping You Make the Right Decision
Legal issues are confusing and stressful. You don’t have to deal with it alone though. You can get all the support you need from Warner and Warner. Our law firm is one of the best in Orlando. Our team of top-notch lawyers is always dedicated to helping people get justice. We have the skill and the experience to make that happen. We specialize in medical malpractice and medication error lawsuits. We also take on consumer protection cases and nursing home neglect lawsuits. Why not give us a call at (321) 341-6785? You can also drop us a line at