The quick and short answer is no, and it is the only state that doesn’t require it. In Florida, you can register and ride your motorcycle without motorcycle insurance. Although Florida won’t require you to have insurance, it doesn’t mean you are exempted from any motorcycle-related accidents, and all the financial liabilities and damages that come with them. The wise thing for you to do is still get motorcycle insurance.
What is a Motorcycle Insurance
Motorcycle insurance provides protection for you, your motorcycle and other people on the road. Sport and touring bikes, cruisers, custom-built motorcycles, and mopeds all fall under this insurance category. Below are the coverages your motorcycle insurance can provide you.
Comprehensive Physical Damage Coverage
Damages and losses due to theft, vandalism, and fire all fall under this benefit.
Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist Coverage
This benefit pays for damages or injuries from an uninsured or underinsured party at fault.
Bodily Injury Liability Coverage
Pays for the damages you caused to someone while you are riding your motorcycle. Damages include injuries or loss of life arising from the accident. This benefit also covers legal defense when the other party decides to file a case against you.
Collision Coverage
You can file a claim from this benefit for damages resulting from a collision with another vehicle, regardless of who the party at fault may be.
Property Damage Liability Coverage
This coverage will pay for the damages you caused on someone’s property while on your motorcycle. This benefit also covers for legal defense when the other party decides to file a case against you.
Accessories Coverage
Yes, you can also insure your motorcycle accessories like backrests, chrome pieces, kits, etc. But before getting this protection, you should have an existing comprehensive or collision coverage.
Towing and Labor
This will provide you with the assistance you need relating to towing, jump-starting, and similar services.
Helmet Insurance
Did you know that you can ride a motorcycle in Florida without a helmet? The state will only require you to have additional insurance of at least $10,000 to cover possible injuries. Insured or not, wearing a helmet is the only way to protect your head while on your motorcycle, so please consider buying and wearing a good one.
Can Personal Injury Protection Help
Sorry, but Personal Injury Protection or PIP cannot help you in case of motorcycle-related accidents. Florida state PIP law only covers vehicles with four or more wheels.
The PIP-type coverage that some insurance providers offer is not in any way governed by the state law. The benefit you will get from such coverage will solely depend on what is stated in the contract you signed.
Some insurance providers offer medical payments coverage, which is also a no-fault type similar to that of PIP. If you have this insurance coverage, it will pay for your medical expenses related to the accident, no matter if you are the one at fault or not. But it will not reimburse or pay you for any lost income while you’re healing from the accident.
Does Florida No-Fault Law Cover Motorcycles
The state’s no-fault law does not cover motorcycles. It’s just another term for the law requiring you to avail PIP coverage for your 4-wheeled vehicle. You see, you have nothing to rely on financially in case of motorcycle-related accidents. If you are not the party at fault, you can file a lawsuit or a claim for all the damages you have suffered. But what if you are the one at fault? The money you think you might save from not getting motorcycle insurance coverage does not outweigh the benefits from having one.
Proof of Financial Responsibility
If you have motorcycle insurance coverage, then you don’t have to do much because your insurance will take care of it for you. If you don’t have it, you must have proof of financial responsibility.
Florida state only requires this proof when you get pulled over, or get into an accident. But since no one can predict when accidents will happen, you better have the proof ready just in case. If you are not considering getting motorcycle insurance coverage, you can still establish your proof of financial responsibility in two ways.
Self-Insurance Certificate
This will require you to provide any proof that you can pay for all the damages and losses resulting directly or indirectly from the accident, using your own personal financial resources. If the accident caused so much damage to the other party, you might be at risk of losing all your assets here.
Surety Bond
The Bureau of Motorist can provide you with the certificate of financial responsibility that you need. All you have to do is post a surety bond under a state-licensed provider, or post securities or cash deposits with the Florida State Department of Motor Vehicles.
Failure to Provide Proof of Financial Responsibility
If you cannot provide proof of financial responsibility, you are on to stiff penalties or have your motorcycle license revoked or suspended. The temptation to disregard the value of motorcycle insurance is strong, especially when it is not required to have your ride registered.
What to Do in Case of Accident
Insured or not, it would be best to contact a motorcycle accident or motorcycle injury lawyer the moment you buy your motorcycle. Some of the services they can provide you are listed below.
- They will help you navigate your rights as a rider.
- They will discuss the claims and lawsuits you can possibly file against the party at fault.
- They can help get the most beneficial compensation or settlement money under the law.
- They can help you get the peace of mind you need to heal and get better from the accident, knowing that someone is taking care of everything for you.
Hire the Best Motorcycle Accident Lawyers in Orlando, Florida
Warner & Warner law firm has the best motorcycle accident lawyers in Orlando, Florida. Reach out to us and we’ll help you understand your case the best possible way we can. For a free case review, call us at 321 450 7928 or send an email through our contact form.