Do I Need a Lawyer in Car Accident Cases with Minor Damages?
A car accident is not a simple matter, even if the damage appears minor. Your best choice is to give a law firm like Warner and Warner a call.
Imagine that you’re driving out of your local grocery parking lot when another car hits yours. You and the other driver looked at the damage and agreed it’s only minor. Do you exchange insurance details and call it a day? Most would say no since they don’t want the hassle of reporting the accident. But it’s in your best interest to look for a car accident attorney.
Car accidents are not always cut and dried. Don’t make the mistake of thinking a simple fender bender is not serious enough. You still need to get legal representation. It’s always a good idea to have a lawyer in car accident cases, no matter how minor. Here are several reasons why:
Minor Injuries Could Have Long-Term Effects
There are around 284 million vehicles in the US in 2021. It comes as no surprise that there will also be a large number of road accidents. Statistics show that there were 12.15 million vehicular crashes in 2019. Most of those accidents involved passenger cars. You might not show physical injuries in a minor accident but it doesn’t mean you’re not hurt. There are some injuries you could experience even if there’s little damage to the car. Here are some examples:
- Back strain
- Bruises
- Chipped teeth
- Concussion
- Face injuries
- Head injuries
- Neck strain
- Soft tissue injuries
- Whiplash
The adrenaline of being in an accident might disguise any discomfort or hurt you feel, but certain injuries come to light after several days or weeks. Soft tissue injuries can hurt your spine and other connective tissues. These can lead to chronic pain. Meanwhile, a concussion could lead to brain injury.
Injuries after a small car accident might need a doctor’s appointment or stay at a hospital. Then there are tests and medications you need or possibly undergo rehabilitation. These medical expenses can pile up. An auto accident attorney will make sure the other party either shoulders the bill or reimburses you for the expenses.
Proving Who’s at Fault Can Be Difficult
Accidents can bring out the worst in people. There’s a good chance you and the other party will disagree on who caused the accident. Even a little dent or scratch can lead to a long argument. So unless you were rear-ended while you were at a red light, you should prepare to be in a battle. In this case, you need to start your online search for a good “car accident lawyer near me.”
It’s crucial to determine who caused the accident, or who is more at fault. This is a challenging process and one that you shouldn’t do alone. You need the experience and skills a good car accident lawyer has. The compensation you’re eligible for can go up or become reduced based on your actions. Your lawyer will help protect you and prove your claim.
You Might Not Get Fair Compensation
Most insurance companies will try to derail your car accident claims. There’s a good chance they have a team of lawyers working for them. They could either pressure you to accept a lower settlement or claim the accident wasn’t serious enough to result in injuries. It’s hard to fight a situation like this on your own. You need a car accident lawyer on your side.
An expert lawyer for car accident cases won’t be afraid to face the insurance provider head-on. They understand how these companies operate. They know how to negotiate with them so you can get fair compensation. They will also file a case and represent you if the insurance company’s offer isn’t enough.
Process Can Get Stressful
You might not have an easy time filing an injury claim. Many insurance companies are not willing to pay the full amount you’re asking for. They will look for ways to deny your claim or reduce the compensation. They will use various strategies to discourage you. They could drag things out or try to downplay the injuries you received. They may even demand a recorded statement from witnesses or other documents. You might also become pressured to settle the issue fast.
The insurer will be looking to safeguard their profits. One way to do this is to make your claim a non-issue. An attorney for a car accident knows you have the right to proper compensation. It doesn’t matter if the damage is minimal or not. They can lessen the pressure on you by taking on the claims process themselves. They know how the system works and what steps they need to take.
Most insurance companies are wary about ending up in court. The presence of a steadfast lawyer can prompt them to work out a better compensation for you. If all else fails and the case does reach court, your accident attorney will negotiate for you. You’ll feel less stress so you can focus on getting well.
Get the Best People on Your Side
You don’t have to spend hours searching online for a “car crash lawyer near me.” Warner and Warner is the only company you need to call. We’re the best trial attorneys in Orlando. We’ve been fighting to protect people’s rights for years. Our track record shows that we’re good at what we do. Our team is always dedicated to justice. We also believe in providing high-quality service to all our clients. We specialize in medical malpractice, nursing home neglect, and wrongful death. We also handle vehicular accidents and defective product cases. You can call us at (321) 972-1889 or send us an email at